[截图] Black Dragon

2017-5-2 00:54
参与人数 1 种子 +1 C币 +130 友善度 +1 三叶草 +3 收起 理由
阿漫阿漫_ + 1 + 130 + 1 + 3 极少的龙男图秀!


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22 个回复

笛的回音  美图组 | 2017-5-2 17:00 来自手机
Heptus 发表于 17-5-2 16:12
I do mods for all races) But most of all - for lyn ... I like lyns X)

That's great... Yes many players love lyns haha so most of the mods are for lyn girls and boys. I'm surprised and delighted because there're almost no mods for male Jins! Finally my handsome Jin  boy got some new clothes to wear, haha. (But I think he looks kind of... weak?
, for this mod ::>_<::)
Heptus 2017-5-2 18:56
I like thin men х)
清绝清绝_  美图组 | 2017-5-2 01:33
wow so cool i like this mod and boy
nba240306  Lv:4 | 2017-5-2 02:16
krusso  Lv:1 | 2017-5-2 03:38

笛的回音  美图组 | 2017-5-2 07:33
Finally some mods for Jin-M!
Heptus 2017-5-2 16:12
I do mods for all races) But most of all - for lyn ... I like lyns X)
浮兮°  禁止访问 | 2017-5-2 09:48
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Heptus  实习极模组 | 2017-5-2 16:12
笛的回音 发表于 17-5-2 07:33
Finally some mods for Jin-M!

I do mods for all races) But most of all - for lyn ... I like lyns X)
笛的回音 2017-5-2 17:00
That's great... Yes many players love lyns haha so most of the mods are for lyn girls and boys. I'm surprised and delighted because there're almost no mods for male Jins! Finally my handsome Jin boy
Heptus  实习极模组 | 2017-5-2 18:56
笛的回音 发表于 17-5-2 17:00
That's great... Yes many players love lyns haha so most of the mods are for lyn girls and boys. I' ...

I like thin men х)
笛的回音 2017-5-2 18:59
I'm talking about mine haha... My JinM character looks kind of weak, while for this, he is cool
笛的回音  美图组 | 2017-5-2 18:59
Heptus 发表于 17-5-2 18:56
I like thin men х)

I'm talking about mine haha... My JinM character looks kind of weak, while for this, he is cool
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