[闲聊] 这几句感觉不错

2015-10-12 18:46
As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon当最后一艘船消失在遥远的地平线
I sat there watching on a rock 我在岩石上凝望
My mind slowly drifting away 任思绪如烟般慢慢弥散
Forming into my... Dreamtale 编织成我的...梦境传说!

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ann0115  Lv:2 | 2015-10-12 19:28
Out of the night that covers me, 夜色沉沉將我籠罩
Black as the pit from pole to pole. 漆黑猶如地底暗道
I thank whatever gods may be 我要感謝上蒼知曉
For my unconquerable soul. 我的心靈永遠不倒

In the fell clutch of circumstance 環境多麼凶險飄搖
I have not winced nor cried aloud, 我也不會退縮哭嚎
Under the bludgeonings of chance 挑戰有時膽寒心焦
My head is bloody, but unbowed. 血流滿面我不折腰

Beyond this place of wrath and tears 在悲憤與淚水之外
Looms but the horror of the shade, 恐怖陰霾逐漸逼來
And yet the menace of the years 歲月無情威脅迫害
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. 但我再也無所懼駭

It matters not how strait the gate, 無論通路多麼險窄
How charged with punishments the scroll, 儘管考驗無法躲開
I am the master of my fate: 我是我命運的主宰
I am the captain of my soul. 我是我心靈的統帥
chocolate丷  Lv:3 | 2015-10-12 20:17
(PД`q。)·。'゜ 这也可以水。。话说这是虾米
依文洁琳  Lv:7 | 2015-10-13 09:47
than the dusk wants to have dusky thing too 比黄昏还要昏暗的东西
than blood wants to have scarlet thing too 比血液还要鲜红的东西
before time bar appears on middle and his like 在时间之流中出现吧
in your great belonging to 在您的伟大的名下
I get up oath in this dark 我在这黑暗中起誓
obstruct in our front 把阻挡在我们前方
all foolishness that thing 所有的愚蠢之物
aggregation force of you and I 集合你我之力
bestows them equal be ruined 赐与他们平等的毁灭吧!
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