[截图] Hi~

2014-4-21 15:51


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20 个回复

sippey  极模组 | 2014-6-9 18:11
FreeDomEH 发表于 6-9 17:10
나는 많은 많은 리메이크 DDS 및 PSD 파일이 ..

내가 UPK 만들 재 포장 할

Wow!Those looks fabulous!

Are you the author of these mods? If yes, we offer free upk packing service.  Please go tothis thread and post your texture files as well as at least one preview pic each. We will have them packed as soon as possible. If the texture files are too big, you can upload them to a file sharing website and post the link instead.

sippey  极模组 | 2014-6-9 15:11
Awesome pic! I like the garter belt, especially.
FreeDomEH Lv.4 2014-6-9 15:48
There are a lot more dangerous costumes..haha 有很多更危险的戏服..哈哈
jiang0637  Lv:2 | 2014-6-9 15:20
FreeDomEH  Lv:2 | 2014-6-9 15:48
sippey 发表于 6-9 15:11
Awesome pic! I like the garter belt, especially.

There are a lot more dangerous costumes..haha
sippey 2014-6-9 15:58
Are you using uMOD for these pics? Where you got those costumes?
sippey  极模组 | 2014-6-9 15:58
FreeDomEH 发表于 6-9 15:48
There are a lot more dangerous costumes..haha

Are you using uMOD for these pics? Where you got those costumes?
FreeDomEH Lv.4 2014-6-9 17:10
yes.. i'm playing korea server. i use recompile another umod. i try 3d max and UDK.. but remake upk file is in game black and white show on.. i don't want use umod.. i want repack upk... but i do
FreeDomEH  Lv:2 | 2014-6-9 17:10
本帖最后由 FreeDomEH 于 6-9 17:22 编辑
15시 58분 sippey 6-9에 게시
당신이 그 의상을 가지고 어디로?이 사진을 위해 Umod를 사용하고 있습니까?

나는 많은 많은 리메이크 DDS 및 PSD 파일이 ..

내가 UPK 만들 재 포장 할

나는 DDS 리메이크 및 PSD 파일을 많이 가지고 ..

나는 UPK를 재 포장하고 싶은

sippey 2014-6-9 18:11
Wow!Those looks fabulous! Are you the author of these mods? If yes, we offer free upk packing service. Please go tothis thread and post your texture files as well as at least one preview pic each.
qq451986716  Lv:4 | 2014-6-9 18:18
本帖最后由 qq451986716 于 6-9 18:22 编辑


倪娜依  Lv:3 | 2014-6-9 22:42
只想说 太牛了!
好顶赞  Lv:4 | 2014-6-9 22:48
that's good
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