[情报] 转外网 自翻 关于8月5日欧美服的采访

2015-8-6 11:27
本帖最后由 茉莉安 于 15-8-6 11:31 编辑

Interview with Western Community Manager Oli Aug 5th, 2015

原文一会再Po 整篇新闻大概是这样:
(嘛 不是正式的翻译 个人按照自我喜好翻了 梗概大意 如有不悦请见谅和查阅原文)


从今年起(原文from this year)你们能第一次玩到欧美味儿的黑沙,在一测二测前呢我们还得有别的数据测试,这得麻烦你们耐心点了。




别看我们刚开了欧洲工作室,其实关于开英语版本的工作早就进行着呢。目前我们已经能大略实行内部可玩了(这点纯·意译)。但是,游戏内容还是有缺失啊,我们还是在努力完善所有的内容,这游戏内容太庞大了= =。到早期测试时我们会完成完整的英文版本,而且就一些潜在的错误,我们会尽力修正。让游戏本土化才是我们工作的关键。我们会全力摈弃由其他一些韩国游戏带来的不良印象,他们的一些游戏质量标准不行啊!根我们一些欧美玩家的期望不符啊!


8.你知道关于DirectX12和Virtual Reality支持的事儿么?(抱歉这点儿突然到了自己太能理解的领域)
我知道你们中有不少在等DirectX12和新的Virtual Reality。我只能说啊,我们对黑沙的问题可是相当重视的。等我们内部有啥比较实质性的进展的时候我会透漏的。


We are more than happy to finally give you the first available information about the European and North American Version of Black Desert Online. We just had an interesting Interview with the Western Community Manager of Black Desert, Oli. We hope that you enjoy the Interview!

What are your plans in the following month?

As you published on the website last week, we recently opened our EU office so we are still in a phase of installing everything so we are not at a point where we can go into too many details. However, I’m glad to tell you that we just received the future EU server! Right now, our absolute priority is to work on the game localization and the upcoming official teaser website for BDO.

Can we expect an Alphatest and a Beta this year?

You will be able to play the English version of Black Desert Online for the first time from this year. Note that prior to the Alpha, there will be an early test version of the game but I need to ask players to be a bit more patient about the specifics of when the Alpha or Beta will start this year.

Will the EU and NA Version be released at the same time?

There might be a slight delay, but our aim is to have very close release days from one version to the other. We are aware that a lot of people have been waiting for a long time to play the game and it would be rather unfair to have only US or EU players to play the game first for an extended amount of time. Our goal is to have both EU & NA players to be able to start playing Black Desert Online almost at the same time.

Will the EU and NA Version be different?

The difference will be only about the language. We are now working on the English version of Black Desert Online, but we’d like to see other languages for the European players. Everything related to game mechanics will be identical.

When will you open the North American Office?

We are still studying our options regarding this topic, it’s still too early for us as we just opened the EU office.

We know that the English Version is currently being developed and translated in Korea. Could you tell us how far the development and translating process is?

Despite the fact we just opened our European office, the work on the English version began prior to that milestone. We now reached the point where we have a rough internal playable build. Texts are missing and it will still take us some time to polish everything considering the huge amount of text that is available in-game. By the time we will start the early test version, we hope to have the completed English version of the game and we’ll be looking forward to the community contributing to any potential mistakes left. The localization of the game is a critical point for us. We want to avoid at all cost the bad impression left by other Korean game companies that bring their games to the west with quality standards that don’t match the expectations of US/EU players.

Can we expect major changes compared to the Korean Version?

All I can say for now is that we are giving a particular attention to the feedback from the US/EU players who played the Korean version so we constantly keep their expectations in mind regarding every BDO US/EU topics. Furthermore, we are building here a solid team with people having many years of experience. As we progress towards the Alpha, we’ll be able to go into more specifics. It goes without saying that the early test version and alpha feedback from the community will be invaluable to us.

Do you know anything about DirectX12 and the process of the promised Virtual Reality support?

We are aware that a lot of players out there are looking at the potential optimization provided by Direc
tX12 and the new possibilities offered by the upcoming Virtual Reality. What I can say for now is that we are looking very seriously at both for BDO but we’ll speak further regarding these topics once we have something concrete to show.

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11 个回复

暗夜lala  Lv:2 | 2015-8-6 15:26
茉莉安 发表于 15-8-6 12:18
→_→ 貌似说会在PVP惩罚上加重  跑商上更重视点?

茉莉安  Lv:2 | 2015-8-6 11:33
蓝调159  Lv:4 | 2015-8-6 11:48
胖达君丶  Lv:5 | 2015-8-6 11:48
暗夜lala  Lv:2 | 2015-8-6 11:54
茉莉安 Lv.4 2015-8-6 12:18
→_→ 貌似说会在PVP惩罚上加重 跑商上更重视点?
茉莉安  Lv:2 | 2015-8-6 12:18
暗夜lala 发表于 15-8-6 11:54
肯定是游戏好啊,要不然,欧美这么重视,感觉欧美服不会改太多内容,敢放国内,分分钟变另一个游戏 ...

→_→ 貌似说会在PVP惩罚上加重  跑商上更重视点?
暗夜lala Lv.4 2015-8-6 15:26
zywzzc  Lv:4 | 2015-8-6 13:10
nico_nico_ni  Lv:1 | 2015-8-6 13:37
茉莉安  Lv:2 | 2015-8-6 18:30
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