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  Recent AnnouncementsView All (2)The Latest Demo Video18 January -LittleV.QrThe latest demo video updated, with new maps/ new technical / VR operation.
Read More城邦之外 VR | Beyond the City VR10 January -LittleV.Qr城邦之外 VR | Beyond the City VR
  News update here, pls. come to join us to enjoy it in VR world. Thanks.
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  DescriptionRelease date:Spring of 2017  |  2017.春《城邦之外 VR | Beyond the City VR 》Demo v01   " Beyond the City VR " is a tower defense game [HTC Vive & PC]. Come and join the ongoing war, play the role of the commander & soldiers to resist the invaders in an open world. Choose between multiple powerful tower and unique epic skill! With the wide variety of towers we can create our own perfect strategy. Enjoy a visually stunning tower defense game in VR world.
  There're two 2 mode for experience----- 1st is macro layout defense tower and 2nd is FPS micro-operation
   Play Mode:
  1 The commander role | Strategy level
  Global macro layout overview of the map and fully take use of the resource in hand. 1st, we play as the role of commander to arrange the tower power on the map. 3 different type of towers are available in demo version, each of them can be upgraded by using money in game, with diversity attack mode.
  2 The Soldiers role | Tactics level
  FPS micromanagement,Once the layout is completed, the player steps into the tower (Archer Tower/ Magic Tower/ Turret) to manipulate the weapon to against the invader. No mercy.
  With the progress of the game, the invaders have multiple waves of attack, the swordsman, The priest , WM warriors, summoned forest demon ... ...
  Shooting with bows and arrows, using magic wand cast, or artillery bombing? Up to you!
  Come on to scavenging any threats from the enemy.:)
   Forecast release Demo.v01 in 1 month. Pls. don't hesitate to let me know ur input. many thanks.
  《城邦之外VR》   无法观看视频的朋友请点下面的链接
  城邦之外VR是一款塔防類VR游戲,[Vive & PC]。故事發生在德倫卡(Dronka)大陸上。面對蠻夷的入侵,玩家率軍抵禦外敵。隨著遊戲的深入,我們不僅能體驗到沙盤指揮者玩法,還能親自上陣與友軍一起殺敵,拉弓上弦射擊,揮舞法杖施法,操控砲塔轟炸,用尽一切辦法消滅入侵者。
  遊戲中,同時提供2種玩法-----全局宏觀佈局|战略布局 & 第一人稱微操|战术进击
  1 战略布局| 縱覽全局 利用好手中的每一份資源!
  2 战术进击|第一人稱微操  斂聲屏氣,瞄准射击!
  · 遊戲亮點:融入了FPS和SLG元素的全新塔防遊戲。
  · 遊戲操作:佈置防禦工事,多武器操作,魔法技能釋放,取決於選擇如何消滅敵人。
  · 遊戲體驗:不拘一格的畫面設計,獨樹一幟的遊戲體驗,三种不同炮塔&升级路线.
  · 遊戲背景:德倫卡(Dronka)是一個擁有先進技術、神秘魔法、富饒資源的神奇大陸,如今又有一群不長眼的蠻夷垂涎於此,擊退他們?消滅他們?又有什麼區別呢?
  1. 海量語音包放送: 根據玩家建議,開放語音聲優包錄製;可以替換成自己的聲音戰鬥!
  2. 全新塔系“哨兵所”加入,引入RTT戰鬥元素。
  3. RPG戰鬥功能,全新的英雄系統加入。
  4. 更多的地圖地形环境:山巒,海洋,天空,火山,城市,黄昏,晨曦……
  5. 全新的魔法:召喚使魔,烈焰風暴,暴風雪,大預言術……
  6. 除了在塔上使用遠程武器進行攻擊,還可以離開防禦塔進行零距離的貼身戰鬥。
  7. 煉獄難度地圖:玩家可以選擇除“簡單”“困難”“無盡關卡”之外的第四種模式。
  8. 對戰電競版本:玩家扮演進攻方,和防守方鬥智斗勇。
  9. 聯機版本:玩家可以和好友們聯機進行遊戲,共同抵禦敵人的攻擊。
  搜集大家意见,在2017春发布第一个版本 Demov01.
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